Perry Bradley directs for Indie agency BCG2 and Beef + Lamb New Zealand to launch their new campaign "Good Things Start With New Zealand Beef and Lamb". Introducing rugby world champion Stacey Waaka as their latest brand ambassador.
The 45-second TVC showcases the inspiring origin story of rugby world champion Stacey Waaka. Shot on a beautiful Autumn day, the film celebrates Stacey Waaka's incredible journey. Highlighting her growth from a young girl who was overlooked for rugby games to becoming a world champion. The ad honours girl power and the rapid progress of women's sports in recent times.
"We choreographed the rugby sequence, approaching it with the same level of detail and planning as one would for a fight scene", says Perry.
According to Perry, the whole commercial's success rode on this one thing.“Finding the right 9-year-old to play young Stacey. We needed someone with Stacey's epic smile and killer rugby skills, and Ibanez Maeva nailed it."
Perry recognised that the shoot's success rested on this extraordinary young actress. "We choreographed the rugby sequence, approaching it with the same level of detail and planning as one would for a fight scene. Each step is orchestrated, and every dummy pass is strategically placed. We rehearsed in the park across the road from our office, then Ibanez practised her moves before the shoot day.”
It was physical work for the 9-year-old. But her tireless efforts during rehearsals and the shoot day were evident as she outpaced her onscreen opponents. According to Perry, "I'm confident we'll see more of Ibanez on-screen in the future."
The dedication and hard work paid off, resulting in a feel-good story highlighting the strength and resilience that makes Stacey Waaka an inspiration to young girls everywhere.
Stills Photography was another important component of the project. The Stills Division of Film Construction showcased its production capabilities by capturing stills for the commercial alongside the film team. Their collaboration allowed for a smooth integration of the needs of both stills and film.
An infectious tune titled "Your Time Will Come" was composed for the campaign by Ethan Blackwood and features the incredible talents of Dende_the_Sensei and Alba Rose. It’s the perfect feel-good anthem and a powerful reminder to keep our spirits high and our hopes alive.
So here's to mouthwatering burgers, juicy sausages and the promise of many more future girl rugby stars.