Capturing the heart of Rural New Zealand for FMG's latest brand campaign, Here, There and Everywhere.
Director Perry Bradley chats about his approach to harnessing some good Kiwi rural-ness with a crew of stand-out Kiwi filmmakers.
"As a director, there’s a special satisfaction when a script seamlessly falls into place. Our latest project, the "Here, There, and Everywhere" commercial, was one such occasion. This script, a continuation of FMG’s engaging dialogue with the rural community, carried a tone that felt more like a relaxed chat over a cup of tea rather than a heavy-handed corporate message.
The heart of this project was the casting, and I leaned heavily on the expertise of casting director Harriett Maire. Her dedication brought together a diverse set of rural characters, adding authenticity and warmth to the narrative. Rural Kiwis are a vibrant and diverse community, far from the stereotypical Speights-drinking, Swandri-wearing cliché.
I aimed for simplicity in shot design, striving to create a seamless and fluid visual experience with minimal pace. With the expertise of DP Maria Innes Manchego and Production Designer Tane Jarrett, we achieved sweeping camera movements that beautifully conveyed the interconnectedness of rural life. Their collaboration ensured our visuals were as dynamic and expansive as the story we were telling.
Editor Gary Sims played a crucial role in maintaining the pace and tone I envisioned, ensuring the commercial was visually captivating and true to FMG's approachable style. Jim Hall's soundtrack added a lovely, lilting smile to the proceedings, enhancing the overall feel of the commercial.
Writer Robin Powell and ECD James Blackwood of BCG2 were closely involved throughout the process, contributing to the creative vision and helping guard the tone and brand. Together, we crafted a commercial highlighting FMG’s deeply rooted presence in rural New Zealand and celebrating the community's spirit and resilience" - Perry.
Brand Film / Here, There and Everywhere / FMG / BCG2

Marketing Manager - Richard Aitken
Senior Marketing Specialist - Phillipa (Pip) Kennedy
ECD - James Blackwood
Creative Director - Robin Powell
Business Director - Stella Terrell
Agency Producer - József Fityus
Director - Perry Bradley
Executive Producer - Belinda Bradley
Producer - Ivan Barge
Casting Director - Harriett Maire/Good Egg
DOP - Maria Ines Manchego
Production Manager - Leah Oram
1st AD - Luke Wheeler
1st AC - Bayley Broome-Peake
Video / DIT - Jack Hurst
Drone Operator - Brendon Dixon
Drone Operator - Craig Patterson
Sound Operator - Mark Storey
Gaffer - Thad Lawrence
Best Boy - Russell Lloyd
LX Assist - Sam Fordham
Grip - Tom Davis
Grip Trainee - Roman Randle
Gimbal Tech - Levi Keddy
Wardrobe / MU Combo - Tracey Feickert
Wardrobe Assist - Annette Oliver
Art Director - Tane Jarrett
Standby Props - Petelo Vaihu
Art Assist - Mike Latham
Art Assist - Ryan Dulieu
Animal Wrangler - Rosie Miles
Unit Manager - Joey Vaessen
Unit Assist - Mika Ichinose
Location Manager - Ryan Freeman
Safety Officer - Zane Beaver
Runner - Mitch Clothier
Location Scout - Stephen Piper
Final Checks - Safety Rob McKenzie
Accountant - Belinda Smith
Offline Editor - Gary Sims
Online Editor - James Hutchinson
Colourist - Pete Ritchie